Question of the Day: Who in the NFL would you least want to have a parent-teacher conference with?
Biggest News: Raiders & Vikings with Year One Coaches PLUS Rhymes & Poems from Kyle & Marshall
Hot Take/Twitter Prompts: Adam Silver, Dan Brooks, Erik Giannunzio, Tom Butterfield, Bruce Gumbert, Trent Johnson, Colleen Anater, Brianne Doms, Dale Stroede, Ian Baker, Justin Mattson, Simon Riedsma.
Weekly Segment: A Song for the Unsung. What’s going on in the NFL that we should probably be discussing more? Our answers: Tennessee Titans, Los Angeles Chargers, Running Backs.
Kyle’s Fantasy Update
Must Watch Game of the Week: NYJ v NE
Lock of the Week:
Marshall - CIN over PIT
Kyle - BUF over CLE
Ian - BAL over CAR
Upset of the Week:
Marshall - NYJ over NE
Kyle - LV over DEN
Ian - MIN over DAL
Favorite Football Movie? Biggest News: Cardinals Pulling Away From Conference. Playoff Hunt Update from Kyle. Lions Win and Save Campbell. Twitter Questions and Hot...
Which game or sport are you exceptional at? Biggest News:Is this the real Cowboys? It's almost like Kyle was right... AFC - Assume Frequent...
Question of the day: Best sequel or remake? Mailbag: Claire DeWitt, Ben Learned, Ben Pelletier, Addison DeWitt, Katie Baltodano, Tim DeWitt, Jamie Hesslau, Erik...