Hey folks. We couldn't record this week because Ian had a new baby. His wife did I mean. So congrats to the DeWitt family. Kyle was out of town too on a family trip. Anyway, we failed to get into the studio and vow to never let this happen again.
But we did get an audio recording from The Commish with his weekly Niners report so we thought we would share it with you so could at least commiserate with him.
Back next week, we promise!
Describe the perfect donut. Mailbag: Addison DeWitt, Tim DeWitt, Jamie Hesslau, Erik Giannunzio, Justin Mattson, Nitesh Mistry Freezing Cold Takes with Ian Upset &...
Question of the week: Best Slogan? Mailbag: Jamie Hesslau, Erik Giannunzio, Tim DeWitt, Clare DeWitt, Rick Baxter, Addison DeWitt Weekly Segment: Stephen AI Smith...
Wow, such a fun episode. Question of the Day: What's on your Christmas list? Biggest News: Raps from Ian and Kyle. Are the Bengals...