Question of the week: Best Slogan?
Mailbag: Jamie Hesslau, Erik Giannunzio, Tim DeWitt, Clare DeWitt, Rick Baxter, Addison DeWitt
Weekly Segment: Stephen AI Smith with Ian
Upset & Lock of the Week
Whats the most Fall Season thing besides football? Biggest News: Jimmy G stays, QB Battles, Who wins between Mahomes & Tyreek. Hot Takes/Twitter Prompts:...
Question of the Day: Do you have any CRAZY coincidence stories? Biggest News: Marshall won the league. Kyle gushed on Geno. Ian’s Lion’s knock...
Question of the Day: Best gift you gave and received for Christmas? Mailbag - Erik Giannunzio, Ryan Gates, Justin Mattson, Elliott Osoteo, Jamie Hesslau,...