Question of the Day: What is something that you see today and it takes you back in time to your childhood
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Hot Takes/Questions: Matt Hefner, Emily Riedsma, Braxton, Justin Mattson, Jamie Hesslau, Rick Baxter, Dan Brooks & Erik Giannunzio
Kyle’s Moderately Interesting Segment
Marshall’s Thank You For Showing Up Award
Ian’s Blind Ranking Game
Must Watch Game of the Week
Upset & Lock of the Week
Question of the Day: Craziest place you’d like to see a NFL game played at? Biggest News: Kyler must study for money, Julio Jones...
Describe the perfect donut. Mailbag: Addison DeWitt, Tim DeWitt, Jamie Hesslau, Erik Giannunzio, Justin Mattson, Nitesh Mistry Freezing Cold Takes with Ian Upset &...
Question of the Day: What is your New Years Resolution? Biggest News: Upcoming Free Agency Market. Marshall’s Hate List. Ian’s Lions Talk. Hot Takes/Twitter...