Question of the day: Best sequel or remake?
Mailbag: Claire DeWitt, Ben Learned, Ben Pelletier, Addison DeWitt, Katie Baltodano, Tim DeWitt, Jamie Hesslau, Erik Giannunzio, Justin Mattson, Rick Baxter.
Weekly Segment: Cold Takes Exposed with Ian
Fantasy Update
Upset & Lock of the Week
Question of the day: If you can make a chant/intro to start a game for any team, what team and what do they do?...
Question of the Day: Do you have any CRAZY coincidence stories? Biggest News: Marshall won the league. Kyle gushed on Geno. Ian’s Lion’s knock...
Describe the perfect donut. Mailbag: Addison DeWitt, Tim DeWitt, Jamie Hesslau, Erik Giannunzio, Justin Mattson, Nitesh Mistry Freezing Cold Takes with Ian Upset &...