Question of the day: Fun fact that the listeners may not know about you? Prepare to be surprised.. WOW
Mailbag: Dan Brooks, Tim DeWitt, Jamie Hesslau, Elliott Osoteo, Erik Giannunzio, Simon Reidsma, Rick Baxter, Justin Mattson, Doug Blume
Kyle's Spreadsheet Segment
Lock & Upset Pick of the Week
Which game or sport are you exceptional at? Biggest News:Is this the real Cowboys? It's almost like Kyle was right... AFC - Assume Frequent...
Would you rather Q's by Kyle Mailbag from Clare DeWitt, Addison DeWitt & Jamie Hesslau Haterade from Marshall Upset & Lock of the Week
Question of the Day: Who in the NFL would you least want to have a parent-teacher conference with? Biggest News: Raiders & Vikings with...