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Super Bowl Bettors: Heads or Tails?
Question of the day: You get a bowl of 1,000 grapes. For each grape you get $50,000. One of the 1,000 grapes is poisonous....

Division Round Recap
Question of the day: If you could have an animal be exchanged for your car type, what would it be? Similar to how Jeeps...

Wildcard Recap
Question of the Day: Gladiator Battle of Animals Mailbag: Tim DeWitt, Erik Giannunzio, Jamie Hesslau, Justin Mattson PLAYOFFMANIA Playoff Picks

Wk 18: Hang your hat on this Mini Pod
Question of the day: What were your personal highs and lows of 2024? One big take away from the football week.

Wk 17: Chip Skylark Award
Question of the Day: What's the most ridiculous sports superstition you've ever heard or personally practiced? Mailbag: Justin Mattson, Erik Giannunzio, Katie Baltodano, Marco...

Wk 16: Hashtag Football Hashtag Podcast
Question of the day: Best gift you can ask for as a NFL fan? Mailbag: Clare DeWitt, Adam Silver & Justin Mattson Kyle’s Stats...